Welcome to API service for Elementary POS

Elementary POS API overview

Elementary POS Architecture

Build your system as a kit

POS REST API description

Thanks to the API, you can get information about receipts, orders, and shifts. You can easily extend your system with a POS cash register.
  • Receipt API - Get list of receipts, get receipt data, get PDF receipt.
  • Webhook API - Activate and deactivate webook. Get webhook status.
  • Items API - Add and remove your sales items.
  • Category API - Add and remove your categories.
  • Tax API - Control your taxes.
  • Order API - Get order status.
  • Shift API - Get shift list.
Are you missing a feature in the API?? Please email us: api@elementarypos.com
Get more information in Elementary POS API documentation.

Elementary POS Webhook

Webhook is called, in case of an event in the Elementary POS. You can connect your system with Elementary POS. For example, if a receipt has been created, your system will be notified. Your endpoint must return HTTP status 200. In case of an error, the call is repeated. If there are too many errors, the webhook will be disconnected automatically. URL will be called with type and id query parameters (HTTP GET method).
For example https://YOUR_WEBHOOK_URI?type=receipt_created&id=RECEIPT_UUID
Type values:
  • receipt_created - When a new receipt is created. May be delayed if the cash register is offline.
  • receipt_updated - When the receipt is updated. May be delayed if the cash register is offline.
  • receipt_deleted - When the receipt is deleted. May be delayed if the cash register is offline.
  • report_created - When the Excel sales report is created.
  • order_created - When a new order is created - new items added to the bill.
  • order_updated - When the order is updated - deliver status is changed.
  • shift_logout - When the user finish the shift. Cash register ID is sent.
  • test - APP URI test
Set webhook configuration in Elementary POS Office.

Elementary POS WordPress plugin

Elementary POS WordPress plugin is open source and uses public API.